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A&M Discount Beverage Gets You Into the Right Spirit

Whether you need to re-stock your spirits collection for personal enjoyment or hosting a party, A&M Discount Beverage has the right spirit to satiate your tastes. The community has come to trust us over the years since we provide them with great prices on all the industry’s best names. No matter your budget, we stock our shelves with excellent choices to meet your adult beverage needs. Visit any of our shops located throughout Florida and get the same professional treatment from a knowledgeable team dedicated to helping you.

whiskey on the rocks

Spirits Available at A&M Discount Beverage

When you visit our liquor store, expect to find high-quality and affordable spirits. Our bottles all come at attractive prices and help you fill your cabinet or supply the next party with ease. You can also hunt down the perfect bottle easily since we have separated all of the spirits into the basic categories of Vodka, Gin, Tequila, Whiskey, Rum, and others. If you need assistance finding a specific liquor, please don’t hesitate to ask an employee for help or see if we have re-stocks in the back. They can also help you find the brand name your searching for and look into special ordering if you are interested. If not, they will be happy to suggest something comparable.

Knowledgeable Staff Guides You to the Right Spirit

Do you know the difference between Kentucky bourbon and Irish Whiskey? Were you aware all gins start out as vodka? Our staff can get you even more answers to the questions you might have about curious new products or ones you haven’t tried yet. Make sure you check back with us frequently because we also host monthly samplings and tastings of new to the market products. We sometimes even get samples before they hit the market.

9 Locations in Florida to Serve You